Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A few snapshots from northampton, MA, a couple years back. I think my third roll of film ever shot.

and also a couple from up there just this past winter break.

Just a few somber shots of that lovely little town. I think they were all during winter, just a few years apart.

I had a chat with my grandma today, and although I'm still sick, the phone call with her cheered me up a lot and got me a bit more motivated.
So maybe the brief gap in my daily posting is over.

I've got photoshop working again on my computer!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Computer is up and running!

I've still got a lot of work to do, I had to spend more than I hoped to, and not everything is exactly at the level of performance that I'd like in an ideal world, but for the most part everything is running smoothly. I think things will improve slightly as I finish tweaking and organizing everything. It's probably going to be a couple days before my workflow is all in order again, but it will happen.

If there's anything important that I've missed in the past couple days, let me know! I hope everyone is doing well. :)

Also, I let an old domain name expire, and in place of it I now own So if you ever want to get to this blog by typing the least amount of letters possible, just type in and it will redirect you here.

Friday, January 26, 2007

JPG Magazine has a new category up, Entropy.
I may have some others that fit better, but since I don't have access to my archives right now, I'm choosing one that I already uploaded there, one from my first few rolls of film. The more I think about what was my original idea for that image, years back, the more I feel comfortable with submitting it to this category.

I couldn't bring myself to dustspot this one, for some reason. It's going to be interesting to see if anyone else agrees with me on that... I sort of doubt it, but we'll see.


You can see it large and vote on it at JPG.

Also, while you are there, I've got three more available to vote on for the previous issue. I promise only one more reminder on the last day of voting for those. If you already did, I really do appreciate it.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mom by me.

Rolleicord V.
Winter break 2006

Also, I updated me profile picture with a picture taken since my haircut.

I'll probably make it into an icon at some point.
I think I look really creepy in it. I'm not used to the hair yet, haha.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A cross processed and not very high quality scan of Dash, shot around this time last year. Not a very flattering shot, haha. I'm still working out of the computer lab, so I don't have access to most of my archives or new stuff right now. Ah well, we make do. Also, check out that lens distortion. His chest looks like a brick wall. haha

I think this one is interesting though, because I think it's an example of where I can get a much better result in the darkroom than in scanning, at least with my equipment. It doesn't really have the range of a traditional dark room in handling crossprocessed images.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Natural light portraits I did of Mike and Ali for class.

Glad the response to my haircut was mostly positive.
I haven't had shorter hair in 10 years or so, it's a big change.

Also, is up! There are still things to be tweaked,
and feedback is appreciated,
but all the galleries should work now.

Monday, January 22, 2007


Hi guys. This is my first update on linux.

and this is a shot from one of my first couple rolls of film, several years ago.

My computer is basically dead. I'm booting off of a disk right now, and it works for a little bit before crashing again. I have limited web access, and can at least see that my files are intact. I need a new motherboard, and probably memory. I'll be getting a barebones computer with processor and memory and putting my other good parts in, and it will probably end up better than before, but I feel very crippled right now and this is an expense I really didn't expect right now. This limited operating system isn't designed for viewing images either. It's just a very temporary fix.

Anyway, it's a good thing I've already uploaded the next 130 or so jpgs to my webserver, so even if I didn't have my computer for a month I could still update this blog!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Here are some pictures of some people not being very smart, probably.
These are repetitive, I'm letting you know now, this is posted mainly for them.

These were from last weekend, I might be posting the party pictures from this weekend next weekend.
I'm not sure yet. There are other things going on that might effect posting party pictures.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Another less interesting post, just an old cross processed shot from last year.

I hope you don't mind these little one image intermission posts between the big ones.
I think every weekend I'll be posting event photos (I've got more party photos for Sunday’s post).
They won't all be as big as that last one though, probably.

Friday, January 19, 2007

My pal Mike needed some shots for his portfolio and I needed to do some boring stuff for a class, so I did this quick headshot session.
I told him I'd post it here, so you get to see the 20 images he picked out. Lucky you!