Thursday, January 31, 2008

My debit card is on the table in front of me. It hasn't been out of my site or touch in months. And yet, somehow, my photography account is 280 dollars in the negatives. I'm currently on hold with security from Suntrust bank. The only places I've used it recently are and through paypal for a photography submission fee. I'm not quite sure how this could happen. I'm not particularly happy right now.

ATM Transaction $962.99

ATM Transaction $395.86

Well, apparently we've caught it. I won't be able to use the card for a couple weeks, while they send me out a new one, but I won't get hit for the charges. Apparently they were at Best Buy and Footlocker, in two separate towns in florida. Odd as fuck. She thinks the clerk at CVS I went to a couple weeks ago may have made a copy, or something similar, but they're taking care of the losses and charging the case. She was actually rather helpful. Unfortunately I still have to go in tomorrow and fill out an affidavit at the savannah branch and wait while they process it till I can use this card for my expenses again. Egh.

Just goes to show, shit happens.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Some rainy day images. That condensation builds up on my camera real easy.

I learned today that I've gotten two images into CMYK #40, which is the 5th time I've gotten into that magazine. I wasn't even sure I had submitted this last time. I wonder when they'll tell me to stop submitting.

Here's something that's been weighing on my mind a bit. I feel like there is nothing cool or interesting about being a photographer. It's not hard to be a wanker. I feel like almost every photographer I meet somehow has this idea that they are cool. I am not cool. I'm really not. I think that those guys who work underground building subways are cool. Bomb squad personal have got to be pretty intense. Fucking farmers must be geniuses. Being a photographer is really pretty mundane.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Chatlog – A Play In Three Chat-Windows – Around 40 Minutes

Ian Aleksander Adams – STET



Conversation with LESSEREVILS at 2008-01-26 14:49:36 on VIKINGSQUIDIAN (aim)

(14:49:39) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Rin.

(14:49:39) LESSEREVILS : I sold all of our belongings and filled our car with snacks while you were at work.

I set the cat free.

I crank called 911.

I bit our landlord.

We can never go back.

We're free.

(14:49:40) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Rin

(14:49:48) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: we dropped acid

(14:50:08) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: wait that's pretty legally damning.

(14:50:43) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: If I could take it back I would. But since this is an IM conversation, I cannot.

(14:51:12) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: But if I grin, flick my fingers and pretend I'm on the edge of a grand masterpiece, typing it against my reflection in the screen…

(14:51:18) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: then there it is

(14:51:24) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: and our conversation becomes a fiction

(14:51:31) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: and therefore something again in my grasp

(14:51:36) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: that I can control.

(14:52:27) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "Are you? Are…"

(14:52:29) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "What?"

(14:52:37) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "Able to hold a conversation?"

(14:52:43) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "Oh, I'm not talking to anyone."

(14:52:45) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: They laugh.

(14:52:55) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "Well, I'm writing a story... I think."

(14:52:59) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "What?"

(14:53:06) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "A fiction... it's meta-fiction. I think."

(14:53:17) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "I'm really interested in that, but tell me about it when we're not..."

(14:53:41) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "Yeah, I'm really interested in it too."

(14:53:45) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: and he turned back to the keyboard.

(14:54:07) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Soon she got lonely though, up there on the bed, miles away

(14:54:44) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: and she came down to him

(14:54:56) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: and in qw iuuieewrreed

(14:55:04) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: lips against his ear.


Conversation with MIKEXFULTON at 2008-01-26 14:55:05 on VIKINGSQUIDIAN (aim)

(14:55:05) MIKEXFULTON: pickupyourphone

(14:55:12) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: shut up dude I'm trying to write a story

(14:55:27) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: god if only this could be shared as well

(14:55:31) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: it can be

(14:55:37) MIKEXFULTON: are you trippin

(14:55:38) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: A story can be written like this…

(14:55:40) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: yes

(14:55:47) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: beside the point

(14:55:55) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Seriously, I'm trying really hard, while I'm lucid.

(14:56:14) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: I was writing a story, and a story could be recorded…

(14:56:20) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Key press for key press

(14:56:29) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: and time stamped

(14:56:33) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: and replayed exactly

(14:56:36) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: so one

(14:56:37) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: felt

(14:56:38) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: a

(14:56:39) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: sense

(14:56:40) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: of

(14:56:45) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: oncoming disaster, something…

(14:56:57) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: It doesn't matter; let’s say my room inspection upon 7pm this evening.

(14:57:09) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Ok, that's a good climax for the play.

(14:57:22) MIKEXFULTON: hahaha

(14:57:30) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Oh the layers!

(14:57:33) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: See!

(14:57:34) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: See!

(14:57:48) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Layer one: The madman. He who does not see him as society sees.

(14:58:08) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Layer two: The fabric. The reality, true game, which the play is played out in.

(14:58:11) MIKEXFULTON: ian when did you start tripping

(14:58:25) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Layer three: The storyteller! The most important layer!

(14:58:35) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Oh, for in this we can see god if we so choose (and many do)

(14:58:42) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: but we can see also

(14:58:50) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: (and Mike, I've been tripping for about 3 hours?)

(14:59:13) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: the puppeteer (how is that spelled?), the juggler, the entertainer.

(14:59:38) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: (letting the veil drop, again, there. Not madness, no, but an artistic piece.)

(14:59:44) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: but seriously, Mike…

(14:59:58) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Can you think of any art that's played itself out through IM windows on a computer screen?

(15:00:09) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: If so, please link me to it, because if it's already been done, then what use is this?

(15:00:25) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Mike. I ain't playing.

(15:00:44) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Any thoughts?

(15:00:47) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Anyone?

(15:01:58) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: And he grinned, laughed. A play with several roles, performed. And he turned back, back to the girl on the bed, back to life, back to Beckett on the shelf, and it was complete.

(15:05:53) MIKEXFULTON logged out.


Conversation with LESSEREVILS at 2008-01-26 15:03:04 on VIKINGSQUIDIAN (aim)

(15:03:04) LESSEREVILS: Gross.

(15:05:04) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Oh, you only got the first act of the story.

(15:05:10) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: It's scripted across IM windows.

(15:05:13) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Time-stamped.

(15:05:19) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Like a symphony, with limits.

(15:06:10) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "Wait, can I be a character?"

(15:06:31) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "You are a character... I mean, you're in it. Wait, you really think this is important? What I'm writing? What I'm doing?"

(15:06:43) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "Well, you're really smart...”

(15:06:57) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "But I'm tripping. Everything seems important to me."

(15:07:06) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: The conversation went on

(15:07:11) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: but wasn't as…

(15:07:13) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: important.

(15:07:45) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: If he is thinking of an IM conversation as an enactment

(15:07:56) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: he is limited by time constraints, he realizes.

(15:08:09) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Too long between some conversation from either character

(15:08:24) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: and someone wonders if one of them died, walked away, or simply lost interest and minimized the window.

(15:09:14) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: A significant lapse in conversation can be thought of as an intermission, a time for the audience to take a breath (either in reading a transcripted version or seeing a live enactment) but too long and they will think the piece is over.


(15:09:52) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: he has to keep the drama continuing

(15:09:59) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: raise drama by raising wpm

(15:10:02) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: words per minute

(15:10:19) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: literally, the playwright must

(15:10:20) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: must

(15:10:24) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: must keep time with his play!

(15:10:42) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: If he falls behind, in his creation, IN THE ACT OF CREATING THE PLAY, he loses the interest!




(15:11:03) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: so

(15:11:06) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: so where is the story?

(15:11:14) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: He can't simply have this creation

(15:11:18) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: this pure orgasmic creation

(15:11:53) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: so satisfying to him, this truth, oh man, so visceralllll he could almost make love to it as if it were this keyboard (“Gross,” says Rin, LesserEvils, reminding him of reality.)

(15:12:34) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: The beauty is evident, but man does not thrive on the understanding of the webs alone.

(15:12:51) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: He wishes to see the spiders running across them, chasing the flies.

(15:13:10) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: The flies shooting their little six shooters off into the sky, romantically.

(15:13:17) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: The Action, folks, The Action.

(15:14:06) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Already introduced, the medium

(15:14:18) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: the medium, and the players.

(15:14:43) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: The medium is multilayered reality based time-stamped internet communications.

(15:14:47) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: IE: A play!

(15:14:59) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Well, minus the internet part, and it's basically a play!

(15:15:07) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: The players: Improv!

(15:15:08) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Real!

(15:15:44) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Ian (the playwright,) Rin (as the responseless chat window,) Beth (the girl, in the order of introduction,) Michael Fulton (as the interrupting chat window) and... who knows!

(15:16:04) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: But verily, with fast enough typing speed, and comprehension, life itself can become a drama

(15:16:20) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: (which is probably the very kind of reality based schlock, lowest common denominator television, that I myself am so down on)

(15:16:38) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: but it can become one loved by even the highest minds.

(15:17:52) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Intrigue (Are they really on drugs, is there an impending bust, did this really happen? Will he risk it all for the girl and his literati ideals?) and intelligence (Is this a new form of play? Is it well written? How long will he wank us off like this and pretend he can ask our own questions for us?)

(15:18:39) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: A sort of sexy spy action thriller meets Scooby-Doo gang pop culture mind numbing go to Whitecastle affair.

(15:18:48) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Loved by any and all!

(15:18:58) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: But I'm not smart enough to write my way out of it.

(15:19:09) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: I only know the medium itself.

(15:19:22) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Therein lie my limits as a playwright.

(15:20:41) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: And cowering into himself, he envisioned the end of the play, lights going down on the artist, dreaming to himself of success and renown, but dooming himself by the nature of his creation (without end, without real plot, real life.) It is in the end a creation. And will always be such.

(15:21:01) LESSEREVILS: Oh, but here is your assisted suicide

(15:21:11) LESSEREVILS: your life that means something when you force it.

(15:21:19) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: A screaming jubilation!

(15:21:32) LESSEREVILS: An art that was worth it when your thoughts were scrambled?

(15:21:42) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: A collaboration!

(15:21:43) LESSEREVILS: There was no primal human suffering…

(15:21:59) LESSEREVILS: There was no tortured beauty in a realistic consciousness…

(15:22:10) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: The true joy is that layers are endless!

(15:22:11) LESSEREVILS: The idea is enticing

(15:22:18) LESSEREVILS: but

(15:22:22) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: but

(15:22:26) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: You and I

(15:22:27) LESSEREVILS: scruples

(15:22:29) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: dancing around a creation

(15:22:30) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: right now…

(15:22:35) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: to sell?

(15:22:42) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: No, the thought is farthest.

(15:22:51) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: It's the dance of creation that matters.

(15:23:04) LESSEREVILS: I am so much more real than you.

(15:23:10) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: (specifically, if anyone could be enticed to spend this long actually watching, a free internet installation, or reading…)

(15:23:20) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: I know!

(15:23:22) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: You are!

(15:23:26) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Isn't that amazing?

(15:23:43) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: That right now, I can be this creation, this force created by the playwright

(15:23:46) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: and you can be real!


(15:23:55) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Genius.

(15:23:57) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Totally genius.

(15:24:08) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Coming all over myself, right now, seriously.

(15:24:17) LESSEREVILS: I believe it.

(15:24:21) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "Are you having a real conversation now?"

(15:24:23) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "That's Rin."

(15:24:26) LESSEREVILS: Don't lie to me.

(15:24:28) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: I'm not, really.

(15:24:37) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Rin, I need to write an ending to this so I can walk away.

(15:24:40) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: I need your help.

(15:24:43) LESSEREVILS: Sure.

(15:24:51) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: You can't make it easy though.

(15:25:00) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: I know you'll be tempted to make it easy.

(15:25:05) LESSEREVILS: I will lay my head to the earth and you can become cold again. Don't worry. This is the end.

(15:25:08) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: And let me lie back down with the girl and my drugs?

(15:25:13) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: No.

(15:25:15) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: It's not that easy.

(15:25:22) LESSEREVILS: It is that easy. Walk away. The end.

(15:25:27) LESSEREVILS: Goodnight, Moon.

(15:25:27) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Really?

(15:25:37) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Why does it seem so hard?

(15:28:57) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "I know why you wanted your notebook now, your drawings."

(15:28:57) LESSEREVILS : I sold all of our belongings and filled our car with snacks while you were at work.

I set the cat free.

I crank called 911.

I bit our landlord.

We can never go back.

We're free.

(15:29:10) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: "It's the act of creation, isn't it...."

(15:29:14) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: Creation...

(15:29:15) VIKINGSQUIDIAN: … 




Monday, January 28, 2008

What existed outside of my window, this fall, to the back of the building.

I've written a script. Would you like to read it? I'm still editing, working on formatting and punctuation, but you may help.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ideally this is me in a few years. Just chillaxin.

I've managed to get everything together this weekend, finish up a job, and create some great art with beth, make 20 prints for my book class and 18 prints for personal vision class, each of which required only 10. Things just came together at the end, although I am up at four AM, which I suppose isn't healthy.

Images images images. I've got so many images! Who looks at photographs, anyway? I certainly don't feel like I look at much 2d art these days, I'm so busy trying to get mine in order. I do tend to still inhale music, video, and word, though.

Beth and I made three notebooks of writings and drawings, three paintings, many photographs, several mixed media pieces, large text poster art, a video, and computer documents plus created set design, costume, and characters as part of an installation, then sent in the proposal to some galleries. We're both extremely embarrassed and sort of excited about our baby. It's personal to a fault, and leaks our hopes, dreams, secrets, and failings. It will probably be called "Permanent Stick-It-Out-Ed-Ness: Our Artist Trip" if it goes up.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Does anyone know any software that can play back a timestamped gaim chatlog, so the messages appear at the intervals they were typed at? Or an easy way to make a video of such a thing?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Lunch with Joelle and flying kites on the beach.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sam and Cat, and Zulmarie. Caving in trees in savannah.

I've been doing some spelunking myself. I love that term. I heard it three times in one day, in separate and unrelated conversations, two times meaning actual going into caves (which I've done) and once in reference to staying alone in your room for large amounts of time (which I've done.)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Zulmarie found this sign next to some big paintings hung up in the park. I have no comment on the quality of the paintings.

I've been working on my own jobs, right now. Dust spotting dust spotting dust spotting. I've got all my recent film scanned, but it's going to be a bit before much of it is online anywhere.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Some pictures from this past halloween in savannah.

I'm getting a little bit restless. The personal work is going well, I suppose, sort of a consistent aesthetic, but it's purposefully not an exciting one and sometimes it's hard to work with, and I probably need a couple day break. I think I want to shoot a few rolls on a 35mm point just to clear my head. Or maybe get out the mamiya 645 for a little bit. Or shoot some black and white. Do a small project. Anyone want to commission something?

Monday, January 21, 2008

New photos up at
Some issue with compression, think I messed up on exporting, on the last three but they should be all fixed soon.
Apparently there are some new projects in the works in that direction, pretty exciting.

We made pancakes this morning. We all brought different fruits and chocolates, etc, to Rin's and made ourself some pretty awesome breakfast.
Shot a few rolls of film, threw together a magazine submission, and I can't really remember what else happened today.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

On Spanish Moss, Philosophy, and Statistics

This is a picture of a man pretending to be spanish moss.

I'm having a bit of a crisis right now.. not the painful writhing kind, but more the calm hopeful kind, if that makes any sense. I've realized that I've always wanted some kind of liberal arts degree. Not that I'm upset at being close to having a fine arts degree - I'm proud of being here and think this is important - but I want to have a degree in literature, history, or philosophy as well. It's an issue of having something that you are very close to and educated about to create art of... it's possible to create art about art or art about things you are interested in, but I feel like I'd just be able to find my voice if I really immersed myself in more learning.

It's addictive, I admit. I'm in danger of being lost in academia forever, possibly. I was already planning on going to grad school and want to teach eventually. I'm not uncomfortable with the thought, although school is, by nature, nerve wracking and time sucking. I don't particularly look forward to having to take slow moving intro classes with bored freshmen. But really I just wonder how I'll ever be able to pay for any of it. Maybe a school will let me pursue a degree in philosophy while teaching entry level photo classes to freshmen? Maybe I'll be able to get a full ride somewhere? Does anyone have any recommendations?

Actually, I think philosophy in specific is a good start, for looking. My copy of The Gay Science is quickly becoming the most dog eared and manhandled book in my collection, with only the complete Kafka and The Brothers Karamazov coming anywhere close. Anyone know a good place to study?

1. Scan - It's impossible to look to the future with a large amount of past work unfinished. I have to get these negatives out of the way as soon as possible.

2. Organize - I have to put together two books before the end of this quarter, apparently both photo classes I took require them. It's going to be interesting, and as a side effect of the publication process, they will actually be available to purchase (if I decide I'm satisfied.)

3. Tutor - I know the college is in need of tutors, and I should get a job teaching either photography or art history. It's not the best pay, but I only have a small amount of teaching experience on my resume (even though I often help peers in the darkroom or outside of class, apparently I'm a go to guy for photo knowledge and brutally honest critique, which I only give in person) and if I'm hoping to teach my way through another degree, anything I can get will help.

That's enough list for now.

I'm taking a moment to do some calculations here, figure out how my site is doing. I don't know a huge amount about this stuff, but I'm learning.

Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending Jan 19 2008 at 3:37 AM.

Successful requests: 7,945,505 (182,093)
Average successful requests per day: 7,326 (26,013)
Successful requests for pages: 427,866 (54,803)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 394 (7,828)
Data transferred: 772.49 gigabytes (31.25 gigabytes)
Average data transferred per day: 729.35 megabytes (4.46 gigabytes)

Those numbers seem a bit huge, but they don't represent people, so to try and figure out how many people are actually looking at my shit, I'll have to do a little more digging.

Ok, so each page hit is when a user loads a page. The main page has two frames, so that counts as three, and there are twelve more pages. So I'll just assume the average person hits 15 pages when they visit, since doubtless some people only look at one or two pages, and others look all around or come back multiple times. I can't really be sure of it, so it's really a total guess, but it's worth thinking in that direction.

So... divide by 15.. I'll round em to full numbers.

Successful requests for pages/15: 28,524 (3,654)
Average successful requests for pages per day/15: 26 (522)

So on average about 26 people visit my site per day? That doesn't seem impossibly large, and this last weeks figures are totally off from the average, since I linked it everywhere when launching the new version. 28 thousand visitors seems to be pretty damn large though, maybe there's a hole in my logic. I mean, I'm sure at least 1,000 of those have been myself and immediate family hahaha.

What is odd, is that in my failure report, /favicon.ico was requested 24,616 times. I don't have a fav icon and keep it that way, because this way I can tell if someone saved my site to their favorites, or at least that's the theory. I though that must be some kind of bug (There is no way that many people were interested) but it's pretty close to the above figure... I mean, that is over 3 years, so it's not impossible. It's hard to see that many people being interested in a personal website though.

Lets see if any of these other stats are useful... Most of my overall requests are from the folder I post images for my journal to, that makes sense, since it's reproduced on people's friend pages automatically. That still doesn't explain the page views though. Livejournal basically accounts for 50% of my overall traffic, which is allright, I have plenty of bandwidth. So I don't have to stop posting images to lj or worry about it overloading my server and costing me a bundle. Good.

Most people visit the site at around 9pm, with the hours between 5pm and 1am being the most active... again logical, you guys are all checking your internets.

Wow, this last year has seen a huge increase in my average traffic. The first year, 2005, it was around 80-1000 requests for pages a week, this year has been around 2000-6000 on average with spikes around 10000 every few weeks. It served 197,094 pages in 2007... so about 13,140 visits? That's almost half of the total. Not bad. At least it's showing an upward trend, right?

Oh man, the really funny shit is in the Search Query Report, apparently some people find my site by searching for some really weird stuff.
"shitting girl" "tampax index" "naked snow girls" "gender bender (this one sort of makes sense since I shot an event called that)"
That's just from the couple random daily reports I glanced at. Anyway, that was interesting. Not worth thinking too hard about though, right now, as long as I'm not in danger of being over bandwidth.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

On Art and The Pure Beauty of Existence

On Challenging Art - Marcel Duchamp

Creation of Fountain began when, accompanied by the artist Joseph Stella and art collector Walter Arensberg, he purchased a standard Bedfordshire model urinal from the J.L. Mott Iron Works, 118 Fifth Avenue. When the urinal was in his studio at 33 West 67th Street, he turned it 90 degrees from its normal position, and wrote on it "R. Mutt 1917".

On Embracing Concept - Joseph Kosuth

The piece consists of a chair, a photograph of this chair, and an enlarged dictionary definition of the word "chair". Crucial to the work is the fact that the photograph depicts the chair as it is actually installed in the room. The piece holds within it the context of its own display, and thus changes each time it is installed in a new venue.

On Immaterial works - Yves Klein

“Recently my work with color has led me, in spite of myself, to search little by little, with some assistance (from the observer, from the translator), for the realization of matter, and I have decided to end the battle. My paintings are now invisible and I would like to show them in a clear and positive manner, in my next Parisian exhibition at Iris Clert's. ”

In another act that became known as an Yves Klein artwork, he offered and managed to sell empty spaces in the city in exchange for gold. He wanted his buyers to experience The Void by selling them empty space. In his view this experience could only be paid for in the purest material: gold. In order to restore the "natural order" that he had unbalanced by selling the empty space (that was now not "empty" anymore), Klein threw the gold into the river Seine.

On Body Art - Chris Burden

Several of Burden's performance pieces were considered somewhat controversial at the time. Shoot, for example, involved Burden allowing an assistant to fire a loaded rifle at his arm. Another such "danger piece" was Doomed, in which Burden lay motionless in a museum gallery under a slanted sheet of glass, with a clock running nearby. Unbeknownst to the museum owners, the concept of Doomed was that Chris was prepared to remain in that position until someone from the museum staff interfered in some way with the piece. Forty-five hours later, a museum guard placed a pitcher of water next to Burden, thus ending the piece.

On Culture Jamming - Billboard Liberation Front

In September 1977, 19 year old Jack Napier and 43-year-old Irving Glikk attended an event sponsored by the mysterious San Francisco Suicide Club entitled: "Enter the Unknown". The two friends along with 24 other nascent urban adventurers were blindfolded, driven to an inner city freeway exchange and cajoled into climbing onto a factory roof where they improved two existing billboard messages. This gaggle of earnest though inexperienced drive-by copywriters are apprehended by the authorities and become known as the Max Factor 26.

On Material Wealth - The K Foundation

On the 23 August 1994, in a boathouse on the Scottish island of Jura, Drummond and Cauty incinerated £1,000,000 in cash. The burning was witnessed by an old friend of Drummond's, freelance journalist Jim Reid, who subsequently wrote an article about the ceremony for The Observer. It was filmed on Super 8 by their friend Gimpo. Reid admitted to first feeling shock and guilt about the burning, which quickly turned to boredom. The money took well over an hour to burn as Drummond and Cauty fed £50 notes into the fire. Drummond later said that only about £900,000 of the money was actually burnt – the rest flew straight up the chimney.

Entry put in memories, and to be added to as I find or remember things that interest me.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Hey Fuckers!

I love you guys! I love you guys so much that I haven't left my computer chair for more than five minutes since 5pm yesterday night. That's 27 hours of love!

Where did that love go, you ask? It went straight onto the internet! Then after some tweaking, more tweaking, not enough tweaking according to some people, so there is possibly even more tweaking in the future but that's besides the point, of MY WEBSITE.

In fact, I'll be scanning, resizing, and adding never before digitized work to the random image cue all this upcoming night! So feel free to fry your optical balls against your monitor as you quiver in anticipation! New Art, Same Great Taste!


Well, I hear you ask, if you've put in so much work, what exactly is new? Oh the new things, let me lay them out for you in startling futurovision!

New Domain! The newly registered domain is now an option for your web browsing pleasure!
New Font! Times New Roman just isn't new anymore! Straight from me in loving Georgia, it's... Georgia!!
New Organization! There are now projects up, instead of barely sorted and confusing to navigate galleries!
New Navigation! Gone are the days of clicking on unforgiving characters and long live the days of page-downing, scrollbarring, or middle mousebuttoning your way though content! Yes, that's right, the popular and trendy SCROLL DOWN navigation is now here to stay. Scroll across navigation was played with, but the page down button won out in the end folks.
New Information! The resume is actually up to date for once! The dates are all organized! I've added two words under my name to the navigation bar! Dazzling!
New Content! Not only are there never before seen on the internet pictures, there is also writing, dredged from the depths of my mind and viewable to you before its soon to be in print debut (details later), there is animation, viewed already but not in this image size, and most startling and exciting of all

The all new super awesome never before seen in a streaming online format (so I assume most of you haven't seen it at all) spectacular moving picture video Roshini! No, folks, it's not a talkie, but with Sean Leonard's ragtime accompaniment, you'd swear you're almost there!

So choke down those carcinogens and click click click to your heart's content!

Surgeon General's Warning: Website is a work in progress and content has not been screened before any rating board or health committee. Website assumes you know how to use the internet and where to click. Known issues include auto refresh sometimes displaying the same random image several times in a row and layout looking a little wonky in internet explorer and absolutely impossible to navigate at resolutions under 1024x768. Solutions are being looked into, but if you experience these or any other problems, don't hesitate to contact the poster of this bulletin. In fact, if you'd like to test it in every browser you can get your hands on and let me know if there are any problems at all, I'd be really really grateful.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I'm interrupting this steady trickle of rolleicord pictures to bring you some bike painting pictures!
Andrew asked if he could use my studio lights so he could see what he and Fasulo were doing at night.
I figured that if I was setting up the shit, I misewell take some pictures.
