Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My doubleplusgood dose of pain releivers just kicked in, so don't expect this entry to flow correct.

firstly the first: images beth took on my camera, also that bus one from entry previous (back back)

second: update on general situation: here in: massachusetts full stop.

The train ride wasn't that bad: read four books; sent various text messages; held one sided conversations on radical art; managed to sleep about 12 hours.

It is cold here. I don't like the cold. Some people may enjoy it, but I will happily live in the tropics or a non-humid hot climate someday. I will not miss snow.

Fourth root canal appointment is done. I was instructed to consume two doses of soma to start, with additional as needed. Dandy!

This past weekend I finished the scans of 150 rolleicord negatives and uploaded them to facebook and flickr. They are there.

This means, for you, daily updates of the photoblog for some time. Hope you like pictures. I do.


Thirdelatedly: Photography is not enough. As a medium it is too passive to satisfy me.
In our reproduction-rich snapshot-saturated picture-pooling flickr-fuckfest culture it takes more than a static image to grab people.

Video is a step above (slightly) if it can become "viral." Not enough, but perhaps, in conjunction with real life acts it may make a small impact.


Documentary following well meaning but possibly misguided young artist.
Exterior: Saving the world.
Interior: Saving himself to himself, creating a fantasy where he is the hero (or martyr) making a stand for "the right thing."

Truth: I would like to have grandchildren.

Truth: My ideal career would be as a diplomat to aliens. Second choice: Space colonist.

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