Monday, April 21, 2008

Why The Hate?

Why are artists continuously shoveled such shit? Especially really good conceptual artists, and the ones willing to take risks. These are the people that I consider at the forefront, the cutting edge. They drive the entire field. It's not like conceptual art is a new thing, either. It's been an important part of the mix since at least 1917.

I think if I met a chemist and I didn't understand what he was talking about, yet he was receiving awards and tons of peer recognition, I would assume he was quite intelligent and I would try hard to understand his work.

However, if an artist is in the same position, doing some radical contemporary work and receiving a lot of praise from other artists, and the public doesn't understand, the first thing people say is "That's not art" or various other derogatory statements: Circle-Jerk, fucking no-talent can't paint artists, etc.

What made them such experts? Why are they so judgmental about things they aren't willing to examine? And why do people still cling to certain aesthetic assumptions about what art should be?

Sure some art is made for the public, some art is made to drive a clear message, but some art is the equivalent of research science, it's made because it needs to be made for us to move forward. In can be complex and/or it can be subtle. It's made for serious thought and consideration, it's made for people who are willing to approach a great work of art like they'd approach any other great social work... You don't glance at the cover of The Brothers Karamazov and call it a shitty book because you don't like guys with big beards.

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