Saturday, March 15, 2008

I'm glad that I wasn't raised in a fundamentalist fashion, but sometimes I do wish I had some kind of idea of Truth embedded more deeply in myself. It seems that I've certainly got the questioning and searching down, be it from the Jewish or New-Age influences, but it forms a more postmodern kind of inquisitiveness, something that is willing to say "Why?" and "No." endlessly, but very rarely "Yes." I understand truths and facts in a very fluid manner, but haven't yet found much extremely solid, any capital "T" Truth. I don't know, it's interesting to muse on; it seems many people are very secure in their convictions.

Some discussion on Pause To Begin's blog about digital presentation of work. To sum up my current thoughts: How could a digital presentation be a misrepresentation of work if the work originated and exists primarily or only digitally?

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