Friday, March 7, 2008

Speaking of books, I just threw up some stuff here. It's a contest, but I get 3 proof copies of each item, so I can see how they print. The saturation and color balance is different on the greeting card and calender, but I think the Fashion Haus booklet looks rather good. Apparently, you can vote for them as many times as you want - which would explain the 11 thousand votes on some entries, but I'm more hoping I might win one of the software packages, I could really use it.

The layouts don't look quite right when looking at it online, but the color looks pretty good. I'm looking forward to seeing how they print it. I've been experimenting with different book/let companies. I printed a couple tries of my Being Inside book at Blurb, but I'm not sure about the quality or archival possibilities. I can see the patterns in the prints, it looks less like grain, more like criss crosses of lines. I sent some of the same images to iprintfromhome and they look excellent, but they don't print books, of course. I guess I might only be able to get a great quality book by having it actually published, or paying 7000 for a batch of fine art books.

I don't really want to pay that much, I mainly need to make a couple small books for classes, and I want to send some to relatives. Besides that I'm satisfied with showing my work online, I don't need them for promotion, etc. Someone suggested Lulu, but I think they would be comparable to blurb. Any thoughts?

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