Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Hey everyone! Here are some photos from behind the scenes on a couple shoots for The South magazine. The new issue is out now, so I can show these now. They're mostly taken on my Rolleicord V, but some are from my Mamiya 645 afd, and a few others are from Russ's 1ds. Some of the ones towards the end are of me and vicki messing about and testing the lights for her shoot. If you want to see the actual shots from the shoot, you're going to have to pick up the magazine, sorry, I don't own the rights to those. :)

Oh, the 2007 Photobloggies awards are open for nomination now! I don't think many people know about my blog, so if you want to nominate me in a couple categories, it could really help to get the word out. It only takes a couple seconds to paste some URLs over there.

It almost seems like I'm creating photographs faster than I can post them. I've just edited some more out today from my shoots folder and while I'm trying to just pick the best or most interesting (in terms of behind the scenes or daily life type stuff) it still seems like there's just so many. I've got 160 or so photos in my to post folder already.

So it seems a lot of these entries will be multiple photo posts. I'm sorry if some of them seem huge, but it makes more sense to me than posting something like this in 56 separate entries, or even two or so separate entries. I'll try to keep to one photo post per day though, as usual.

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