Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hey, anyone who has a digg account, bump this up or blog it? Anything I can do to get a greater range of unexpected work for this will be a good thing. I really don't want to just be selecting my friends.

Also: Flak Photo, a blog/webzine that you should be watching, has featured one of my images today. I get their daily image in my email, and it's always great, so you should check that out.

The credit card fraud front, here in savannah, is getting really disturbing. I've been hit a second time, on my other card.

Fashion Haus's Wonderland

You may have missed this, but the wonderland selections are now up on my website. These are the images that were chosen by the staff for the look-book, and the online portfolio may change after I finish the 3 book projects I'm working on and scan the rest of the 22 rolls shot for these shoots. You can check them out there, but if you're lazy that's ok, because eventually I'll be posting each outfit and selections from the shoot here.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Call for Entries


Knees Are Weird

Sorry if you're seeing this image again, I removed it from my last post and put it here.

I decided to try my hand at curating a small body of work on the Knee. I go into more detail on the newly registered It's a little bit absurd, I know. Anyway, I'm just trying to make a super simple, easy to read website, at this point.

Let me know if there are any spelling mistakes, or if you have any advice concerning the font.

Feel free to promote the call for entries, anywhere! You can use my image or make your own, whatever! I want a really varied and unexpected mix of work.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Well, you know..

Monday, February 25, 2008

Do you desire the Holocaust survivor look that is so hot in today's fashion world? Then try my new patented Sitting On The Computer Working on Photography All Day Every Day program! You'll forget to eat and have the emaciated body you desire in no time! Compare results to competitor's "miracle" drug Heroin, at a mere fraction of the cost! Vacant stare guaranteed, other results may vary.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Today I'm missing beth. I hope she's not sad, like in this picture. Working working working. I love my buds who will just hang out and work with me, watching star trek or something similarly amazing. Oh man I found so much star trek. I'm going to send it to my dad, we used to watch it together when I was in the single digits. I miss him too.

Oh, check out this well done campaign.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008

Here are a couple of the film pictures I took at Alisha's studio over break. I'll probably post a couple digital pictures tomorrow. You can see the rest of the film shots here on flickr.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Get This Now

I'm serious. I can't recommend Audiosurf enough. It makes a racetrack/fast based puzzle game out of every single song you own. It's like racing through a visualization (well, it basically is). I'm hoping they'll continue adding to it, but for the ten bucks it is right now, it's amazing. It's alternatively extremely relaxing or exhilarating. Download it and put it on some square pusher, dan deacon, or man man... or alternatively some journey or meatloaf or RJD2 or Daedalus. Seriously, just give it a shot.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Current Art Pricing and Commercial Work

Currently my entire income comes from producing art. I live quite modestly and have decided not to actively pursue commercial work. At this point I feel it is not as rewarding as putting together book projects or installations and dedicating myself towards my eventual goal of teaching.

I do, however, accept commercial work, if I enjoy the vision of the designer, the motivations behind the company, and the tone of the work. If you wish to commission me, email me with your ideas, and I promise I’ll respond as soon as I get it. I enjoy working with a variety of people, and my favorite clients in the past have been visual and tactile artists, product designers, and art directors that really had a passion for their work. I also do work for people looking to build their headshot portfolio, or simply want to commission a portrait for whatever reason, if they are looking for something different than the standard studio approach. My portrait day rate is different than my commercial day rate, again, contact me.

If you wish to support me directly, I really appreciate it. I’m hoping there is something I can send back as thanks for any amount of money. Seeing as people tend to like to pay more for more stuff, this little list might be helpful. When you find an image (any image, on flickr, my website, my blog, etc) you might like to have printed, send me an email with the link to that image, and the possible sizes you were thinking. Not every image will look good at every size, it all depends on how it was shot. I don't create my work with the intention to sell, so generally editions do not exist. For many images, you will have the only print in existence, and every print will be a tiny bit different. I assure you I take a lot of care in printing, though, and except for extremely large prints (we're talking wall sized) I'll be printing all images personally. Also, if your image is ever damaged, let me know and I'll replace it.

Signed Artist Card – $1 – Donation
Small Piece/Written Page – $50 – Process a Batch of Film
8x10 Print – $125 – Buy Me Groceries
11x14 -13x19 Print – $200-350 – Buy Me Art Supplies
20x20 Print – $500 – Help Pay My Rent
Larger Print or Personalized Work – $1,000 – Fund a Project
Day Rate – Email – Help Pay Off My Loans
Original Polaroid – Fluctuating – Fix My Bike
Original Negative? – Fluctuating – Pay My Tuition

Monday, February 18, 2008

I remember what it was like to make love to an idea;
to feel it pressed against me: hot and moist and writhing.
I imply no metaphor, but refer the actual physical sensation.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Metaphor: How one condom, one act of lovemaking leaves several shards behind, the wrapper torn in two or three, the actual rubber itself, and the act.

The problem doesn't lie with the idea of safe sex, but rather the idea of the idea, the entombment of the act in thought, in that metaphor, and the wrapping of the thought in the physical object.

It's perhaps contradictory that one thing can be thought of as an act, and the other as a thought or physical being in itself: Sex is an act, but when looked upon by a certain type it loses it's allure, by being looked upon... it becomes an object. Then the objectified act ceases to be arousing to one party, yet becomes the fetish of another, plasticized festivities, all the more arousing for how cheap and fake the dollar store maracas and hats are.

This creates an interesting dilemma, in certain individuals: The romantic intellectual is aroused and initiates an act of love, but during the act he finds himself thinking about it, something he is excited by, but not aroused by... but by intellectualizing the act he is distancing himself from it, cheapening it, something he is disgusted by, something he reviles.

So these three states intermingle and coalesce, arousal, intellectual distance, and disgust.

However, the second two are separate, because they are aware of each other and the first, only the first thinks itself pure, because it doesn't care, and even, isn't aware of the other two, the third of which is distant, fake, a creation of a wandering and tertiary mind.

Friday, February 15, 2008

We shot the entire look book today, the 12 selected outfits for the juried publication, several locations, from 6am till 4pm. I'm actually amazed we fit it all in.
Everything fell into place, one model left and the next would show up, or they'd even be early. It was probably the most pleasant fashion shoot I've ever been involved with.
I'm extremely glad they supported me in my decision to shoot all natural light and reflector, and I think it's going to look better for it.
The light was beautiful and besides it being too cold to feel my hands for the first couple shoots, after it warmed up the weather was beautiful.

After shooting 22 rolls of film, though, I'm a little pooped. So, I'm taking a break and here's a picture beth took of me dealing with, you know, grown man business.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

(copywrite A. Neonakis, check out the others)

Better late then stuck at Leningrad. Happy Valentine's day, people.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Last chance to vote for me for the next issue of JPG. You know I love you guys.

On the subject of loving you guys, I can't believe I somehow ended up with ten dollars over expenses. I just wanted to cover em, but it seems I've some how made some bucks sending out business cards. Don't think for a moment I don't see the irony. And don't worry, I'll use it to buy film.

Net Neutrality

Oh, hey guys, remember to Save the Internet today!

read more | digg story

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

After showing the test prints around, I've decided the card is a success. People on the street, students, professors, and bankers, all laughed, and so many people have requested that I send them a copy that I've decided to sign and number every card of the actual print. I'm doing a run of 500, for now, it's not on pearl or bone or any special paper (I'm poor), and it's not printed by some super fancy press, but it is a business card and feels and looks like one. The signature and number is on the back.

If you'd like one, paypal me a dollar (or more if you've got it burning a hole in your pocket, haha) for stamp, paper and envelope. I know it's a bit absurd, and sure, I can afford to send out one card... but I can't afford to send out 600. Make sure to let me know of the exact address you'd like it addressed towards. I'll hopefully be able to send them out same day. If we are already pen pals, don't worry, I'll include one in my next missive. If you know me in person, just ask.

If you'd like to send me something, instead of paying for postage+envelope, you can send things to me at:

Ian Aleksander Adams
Weston Package Center
231 W. Boundary Street
Savannah, GA

Monday, February 11, 2008

I am so tired right now. You have no idea how tired I am right now.
I was up all last night working on submissions and Fashion Haus work, and then today I had the most inane bureaucratic runaround trying to register for classes.
Since they changed the photography curriculum and I'm a transfer, I just get fucked every time I try to take a class. It's ridiculous. And I have to keep at it tomorrow.
I just have to shove exemption and prerequisite waver forms in people's faces, run across the city to get another signature, go back, repeat. All because someone can't just press a button in the computer, without signed paper in triplicate.

This weekend I had to make 60 prints and 50 sheets. Today I matted a print, dealt with my business card reprints, printed and packaged submissions for three publications, went to two classes, dealt with most of the registering nonsense, met with the graphic designer for Fashion Haus, went to pick up the print, of course the matting wasn't done... tomorrow I have to finish half the stuff that was supposed to get done today. It seems like I somehow manage to be on time for everything, but no matter what, I'll never be able to plan for everyone else being a few hours behind, or simply bogged down in some paperwork ruled mess. I'm really not sure if we've figured this whole functioning society thing out, guys.

Oh, speaking of that fashion haus stuff, here's something I accidentally shat out when I screwed up with the magic wand tool, while I was trying to create a rough draft for a design so I could show someone online. Someone will complain that it is too big, and I really won't care, because I'm just so tired. Deal. It's the internet. Scroll down.

Kitschy shlock. Oops.

I'm going to crawl somewhere and dream about making grumpy Beckett inspired art.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Here are some picture from the park, before I shot that Fashion Haus picnic promo shot.

I suppose I'm getting a lot done, but I'm extremely lonely. Being productive is lonely. I suppose that's the curse of the workaholic, right?
I don't feel like I'm addicted to working, but it seems like I've always got a huge amount of things I need to do.
My good friends have always been ones who I could hang out with while working. I'm trying to slow production of new work to make room for
finishing old work, but I don't really have that luxury. I've got to shoot more for my classes and for Fashion Haus (which I just shot two rolls for today),
but I need to get the older work together for one of my other classes.
I've got 70 gigs of scans now that I've got to get in some kind of order.

The idea of producing seems to be ok, if you have some kind of end, a point where you can sit back and look at what you've done and appreciate it.
As it is, I feel like I'm not finished because I don't have anything concrete, not often. This quarter I'm supposed to end up with two commercially bound books at the end,
but I know I'm just going to feel those are rough drafts.

I'm supposed to be finding a side job so I can have a steady income and not be homeless this summer, but I'm not sure how I'm going to do that when my every free minute is
sucked up by the work I'm already doing. On the bright side, I've had a couple jobs and print sales, and Fashion Haus pays for all my film and developing for their work.
Hopefully I can finish up the bulk of it by the end of this quarter.

Friday, February 8, 2008

I don't remember if I posted these two of andrew here already, but I know I didn't post these dorm meeting snapshots.

The bad thing about scheduling shoots for friday morning is that they come right after thursday nights. SCAD kids know what I'm talking about.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Why am I so tired all the time? I don't get it. I'm not unhappy, underfed, unmotivated, etc. I'm just tired.
Ah well.