Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Big website update. Changed navigation and added a lot of new stuff. I'll be updating the resume tomorrow. I've been really busy with a couple projects I can't really tell you about. Ok, bed time.

Edit: If you're in New Jersey, make plans to check out this show (information copy pasted from an email.) I'm in it, as well as amazing people from all over the world.

Some good news: we got our first big mention in the press today, in the Star-Leger, New Jersey's leading newspaper. I've yet to get my hands ona printed copy but I'm told it looks great and that we're front page news! You can read the online version of the article here. I will also scan and post the print version (complete with photos) on iheartphotograph.com sometime in the next few days.

Also, we've added some exciting programming and a closing reception to the list of events for the exhibition. Please come and help us spread the word:

April 6, 3:00-5:00 pm: Opening Reception
May 4: 2:00-4:00 pm: Free Family Art Workshop: I Photograph New Jersey
May 4, 4:00-5:00 pm: Guided Gallery Tour (Lead by Curator Laurel Ptak)
May 22, 7:30-9:30 pm: Panel Discussion: The Google Aesthetic: Photography, Technology, and the Internet
May 22, 9:00pm: Closing reception

For those of you planning to come out for the show, directions to the Pierro Gallery can be found here.For those of you in New York City, I want to point out that the galleryis just a 30-minute train ride from Penn Station to South Orange.Trains leave frequently and the gallery is only a 5-minute walk fromthe train station. You can find complete New Jersey Transit scheduleinfo here.

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