Saturday, March 22, 2008

I'm done with the Being Inside book, for now. As a small portfolio book, a selection of images from Gray Days, and as a personal statement, I feel it's relatively successful. This is a picture Oliver took of me while I was working on the final selections and sequencing for the 20 image portfolio. It's amazing how over 1000 initial images gets filed down to set a specific mood for a book, and the countless other books that could have come out of the same work.

I need need need to put some kind of cap on Gray Days, at least temporarily. I feel like I won't be able to until the summer, however. Same with the Israel project (which has seen some significant developments lately, in terms of concept and contacts that I've made.. though I don't want to say anything really, until more has been fleshed out.)

I need to be done with these more straightforward projects, because I have something that I'm much more interested in stirring in my belly. This is one of those nights where I'm feeling the artistic equivalent of howling at the moon, I'm just so so restless. I get excited with concepts and art that makes me uncomfortable and really think. I'll still be using photography in some for, be it as a document of an artistic experiment or as way to finalize the concept, but it's hard for me to think of the actual pieces as photography. Some of the works, in fact, have nothing to do with photography, and those I'm extremely excited about. I'm ready to start on it and I'm burning for it, but I can't leave these other things unfinished. In a way, it's good, to let these ideas bounce around my head for so long. I'm excited about art again, and it's a wonderful feeling.

Oh, before I forget, you can see some of my polaroid work with a reception on

Sunday, March 23rd at 7pm, at the Desoto Row Gallery.
41st and Desoto, one block from bull street.

Beth and I have also pretty much decided on Desoto Row Gallery for our upcoming installation/show/performance as well, since we won't have to worry about censorship (scad apparently can't handle work with photographic nudity and references to certain types of drug use) and the small space is pretty much ideal for what we have in mind. We have to work out some details, and you should hear more news soon. I just have to wait until she gets down here and gives the space a once over to be sure. I'm extremely excited.

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