Friday, January 18, 2008

Hey Fuckers!

I love you guys! I love you guys so much that I haven't left my computer chair for more than five minutes since 5pm yesterday night. That's 27 hours of love!

Where did that love go, you ask? It went straight onto the internet! Then after some tweaking, more tweaking, not enough tweaking according to some people, so there is possibly even more tweaking in the future but that's besides the point, of MY WEBSITE.

In fact, I'll be scanning, resizing, and adding never before digitized work to the random image cue all this upcoming night! So feel free to fry your optical balls against your monitor as you quiver in anticipation! New Art, Same Great Taste!


Well, I hear you ask, if you've put in so much work, what exactly is new? Oh the new things, let me lay them out for you in startling futurovision!

New Domain! The newly registered domain is now an option for your web browsing pleasure!
New Font! Times New Roman just isn't new anymore! Straight from me in loving Georgia, it's... Georgia!!
New Organization! There are now projects up, instead of barely sorted and confusing to navigate galleries!
New Navigation! Gone are the days of clicking on unforgiving characters and long live the days of page-downing, scrollbarring, or middle mousebuttoning your way though content! Yes, that's right, the popular and trendy SCROLL DOWN navigation is now here to stay. Scroll across navigation was played with, but the page down button won out in the end folks.
New Information! The resume is actually up to date for once! The dates are all organized! I've added two words under my name to the navigation bar! Dazzling!
New Content! Not only are there never before seen on the internet pictures, there is also writing, dredged from the depths of my mind and viewable to you before its soon to be in print debut (details later), there is animation, viewed already but not in this image size, and most startling and exciting of all

The all new super awesome never before seen in a streaming online format (so I assume most of you haven't seen it at all) spectacular moving picture video Roshini! No, folks, it's not a talkie, but with Sean Leonard's ragtime accompaniment, you'd swear you're almost there!

So choke down those carcinogens and click click click to your heart's content!

Surgeon General's Warning: Website is a work in progress and content has not been screened before any rating board or health committee. Website assumes you know how to use the internet and where to click. Known issues include auto refresh sometimes displaying the same random image several times in a row and layout looking a little wonky in internet explorer and absolutely impossible to navigate at resolutions under 1024x768. Solutions are being looked into, but if you experience these or any other problems, don't hesitate to contact the poster of this bulletin. In fact, if you'd like to test it in every browser you can get your hands on and let me know if there are any problems at all, I'd be really really grateful.

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