Wednesday, April 9, 2008

So here is what Epic Fail would look like as a single image/print. I mentioned this a few posts back, but this would be 53 by 42 feet large. There's a larger scrollable version at the website.

One thing I felt was really interesting was the way I felt while saving each thread. It reminded me of the same social documentary feel I get from taking images at an event or of a subject important to me. I wonder if screencapping is a photographic process. I don't think I'd become a screencap artist in general, but I want to play with this a bit more.

I feel like 4chan is today's avant garde underground. There's the unbridled creativity, the ability to be something different from wherever you came from, the reclamation of negative terms, love/hate relationship with public exposure, art, etc

Cara Phillips responded, along with a lot of other people to the recent NY Times article on Gallerinas. I'm not going to go into detail here, as you should really read her post and the discussion on it. It's generated a lot of talk about the place women photographers have in the industry, what place they should have, etc. One of the things to have come of it is the creation of small image women photographers can put on their website stating that they will support and help out other women in the industry (as it was noticed that often guys work on a buddy system, but women have yet to develop the same kind of supportive net. In theory at least) and a blog to feature contemporary women photographers. Check it out.

Speaking of Bloggers looking to revitalize the industry and feature a selection of creative work, Rob, A Photo Editor, picked out the selection from his free promotion experiment and is putting them up at If that link isn't working yet, you should be able to view the images at the flickr pool. It's a pretty good cross section of contemporary working photographers as well as emerging talent. If your images are better than most of the images in there, it isn't because they're bad, it's because you're good. So you should be submitting to this kind of thing. Get off your butt! This means you half the people I know at SCAD.

And while I'm linking, I should mention Brad Troemel's little essay on Ryan McGinley. It's well worth a read. If you don't know who Brad is, check out his site (my favorite project is called Special, where he climbed up trees, shouted something good about himself, took a picture, then biked to walmart and bought himself a trophy. I may have mentioned it before. Too bad. I love it.)

Finally, I'm not totally sure if putting your name on an internet site is Standing Strong, but it can't hurt, so check out this Stand Strong Against Hate site. With worldwide antisemitism at around a 30% increase as of the last government report, with other forms of intolerance not lagging far behind, any initiative such as this is welcome by me.

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