Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Working super hard on the online version of the installation.. and tomorrow the physical version is going down. Without the performance aspect, it's not as poignant, so we figured a week was enough time for it to be up. I think the next show is an environmental fundraiser, so if you're in the area you should check that out.

I've transfered almost all of my old blog over to http://blog.ianaleksanderadams.com at this point, and from now on I'm considering that the main blog and LJ the mirror. What does this mean? Less huge image posts with LJ-Cuts, mainly. More linking to outside stuff. Besides that everything should be the same, I'll be responding to comments on both sites, and so on. Feel free to read it there, though, if you're not on lj. It looks a bit neater. I'll still be reading my friends list, of course.

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